Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dumbass of the Week: Brody Jenner

No no no no no no noooooo! This is just gross. Hot boy, Brody Jenner is crushing on who else but NICOLE - Lettuce is Way to Fattening for Me to Eat - RICHIE? Brody, this is very disappointing. You were dating the queen of all things sassy, miss KC and you guys were totally cute. Kris is hot, you're hot. We loved it. Do you see those things poking out of Nicole's chest? Yeah, they aren't 2 pair of 4 mini-tits they are BONES. Bones, Brody! What are you going to do with her...scrub dirty laundry on those ribs?

Nevermind the fact that we just want to punch her in her pointy zombie face every time we catch a god awful episdoe of The Simple Life. You suck, Nicole. You aren't funny. You're stupid. Maybe you wouldn't be such a miserable biotch if you ate a steak. Ugh. So disappointing...
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