Monday, September 18, 2006

Fergie: Lovin' Crystal Meth, Hatin' On Bloggers

Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas sent a few messages out to the gay community through HX magazine. First and foremost, the Ferg was a big fan of crystal meth and ecstatcy...

"It’s [crystal meth] so cunning because it’s such a fun drug at first. You lose weight and look great for a while..."

Ya, that is exactly the thing you want to tell potential drug users. YOU LOOK GREAT! Oh, and Fergie has a lot to say about us bloggers out there...

I just think, ‘Wow, I’ve worked so hard for this, but what are you doing other than sitting there behind your computers and talking shit about people?’ If people don’t like me, fine, but don’t dis people if you’re not getting off your ass and doing something about your own life.”

Youch! Go easy Ferg! Most bloggers write on the side for fun (blogs, for the most part, are personal hobbies). We do have lives, pretty damn good ones. AND we were never addicted to crystal meth, ecstacy or whatever else you smoke or swallowed. Last time we checked, we have something here called "freedom of speech" that allows us to make fun of you as much as we like. "Dissing" usually comes with fame and fortune. So if you have to deal with a little schoolyard teasing in exchange for millions of dollars, cars, houses, (maybe some more crystal meth?) etc. BIG DEAL. We don't feel bad. In fact, because of that statement, we may just might make it a point to talk about your more on this blog than usual just in sheer immature spite. Considering, we never really gave a shit about you before now.
Thanks for visiting!