Wednesday, November 08, 2006

For Those of You We Left Craving for More...

As if the first monstrosity we posted wasn't enough...

Why God? Why?

Now, we are aware that this video is old news. But in respect to the Hoff, we had to throw this puppy out there for further viewing. If your eyes begin to tear, just go with it.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Our Favorite Biotch is BACK in Action! Buh Bye K-Fag!!!!

Brit and Kevin are gettin' DIIIIIVORCED! It is about fucking time! Ok, Brit, better late than never. It sure took you long enough, woman. We should have been suspicious when yous started looking hot again (seen here on David Letterman). But in any event, thank GOD you finally came to your senses. Now that you got that whole thing out of your system you can concentrate on what is truly important; getting totally slammin' hot again and making raunchy yet fantastic music videos. The bitch is back and we're glad!


Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Penis Strikes Again - Ryan & Reese are Dunzo

This is just appalling. When the absolute cutest couple in Hollywood can't keep it together who can? We completely blame this on Ryan's wandering weiner, who found itself oogling another woman's goodies in public (Abbie Cornish). We are truly ashamed of you, Ryan. Your wife is gorgeous, your children are gorgeous and you're an idiot. BLAH (throwing arms up in dismay)!

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