Thursday, October 05, 2006
Rated G for Gross: Nudity, Obesity & Hair in Strange Places
So let's see here. We have John Travolta...or Revolta (bad joke, had to do it) slamming down snickers bars while rubbing his man-titties together perversely. We have Tim Allen being pleased by Martin Lawrence (very questionable). Lastly, we have the privelage of viewing William Macy's old, bleeched, flappy ass. OUTSTANDING!
Jessica Simpson Needs Help
Jessica, we command you to stop the madness! Cease and desist!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Jess, Another Notch Down the Totem Pole
Yikes. Jessica, ENOUGH is ENOUGH already! First, you go on record about wearing a rooster necklace to represent the lack of "cock" in your life and now this red lipstick / whore hair disaster. We aren't going to say WHO it is you are beginning to look like...but we'll show it. Good god, woman. Get a hold of yourself. Pick your shit up and get back in order. We LOVED you. Now, you kinda suck. But we haven't given up all hope as of yet. You still have time to turn it around. However, the absolute SECOND you are in court on crack charges we are writing you off and we are no longer friends.
Name that Funky Ass
Lastly, Paris we all know you are stick thin. BUT (and this is a big BUT) that doesn't get you out of muscle toning. If you are going to rock out with your chotch out then you need to start doing some squats and get rid of your flappy ass. It is starting to look square and saggy. Not good.
Ok people, its official. You honestly have nothing better to do than complain about the naming convention of a movie (which by the way is a legit word for donkey)? Are you insane? What ever happened to freedom of speech? What ever happened to our constitutional right to be rude and obnoxious (cue patriotic music)? And by GOD, we SHOULD have the right to put up words like ASS or BOOGER or any other immature phrasing we like. Why? Because this is the United States of America! If you don't want to be a part of your team, get the hell out of the stadium!
What if we just ran rampant renaming movies because we didn't like the title? What about the tv show Hell's Kitchen? Should that be renamed Heck's Cookery? Even better, how about the movie FUCK that was unveiled in 2005? Would you like us to rename it FRIG or PHOOEY? Or is that still too offensive? Ok, we we have made our point so there is truly no reason to keep making awful jokes about renaming movies. You get the picture.
People, people, people...get jobs, Walmart must be hiring somewhere.
Another Crazy Cruise on the Way?
Now, granted she just gave birth to Cruise spawn, Suri. AND she is significantly thin for a woman who just had a baby. However, this does seem like a concentrated area of bloat. Tom sure isn't wasting anytime building his little clan of scientologists. If these kids start acting like children of the corn, Katie really needs to make a run for it.