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Gossip, Celebrity News, Hollywood Rumors & Trash Talk!
We pride ourselves on wasting our lives away researching celebrity gossip so you don't have to!
[Disclaimer: All trash talk on this site is solely our opinion! If you don't like it then leave!]
What is this, friggin' Halloween? Kate Bosworth dressed up like a skeleton? Not so much!
The skinny mini was in Tokyo promoting her Superman Returns movie and her apparent bout with anorexia (at least we think so). Check out those kneecaps, sexy! I love when a woman's kneecabs appear to pierce the skin. Thats the hot shit right there. [source]
heat exhaustion = head bobbing for more than 10 minutes straight.
flush = happens when you're head is below a 90 degree angle for more than 10 minutes straight
unable to attend work = have lock jaw, can't act today.
Oh Lindsay...tsk tsk.