Monday, August 14, 2006

A Couple in Distress? Quick Katie, to the Tom Mobile!

Super-celeb-heroes TomKat were kind enough to pull over when faced with a couple of fellow samaritans in distress. They were on their way home from the airport when they saw Jon Heggingsen and his wife in what appeared to be an auto accident. Tom and Katie waited with the couple until help arrived. Aw, we didn't know that the scientologists let you guys out alone, Tom. They must have sewn in tracking devices to your scalps before letting you out of TomKat-Alcatraz.

p.s. still no public showing of the golden child. whatevs.

World, Meet Natalie Portman's Nipples. Natalie's Nipples, Meet the World

Nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola nippola...

Nippalie...err...Natalie Portman recently took her nipples for a stroll in New York. Whats up with that anyways? It's been hot as hades outside and this girl is rockin' some full fledged glass cutters! WHEW! Cover those puppies up before you cause a 10 car pile up, Nat!
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