Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Would YOU Buy This Poop?

For all of you die hard Cruise fans out there, now is your chance to have a little piece (quite literally) of Tomkat's invisible golden child, Suri. No, seriously! People are actually bidding on this shit (no pun intended). The gilded poo is available on ebay for its future owner to treasure, rub, pet, even lick. Whatever the freak wants.

Suri’s bronzed poop is purportedly cast from the excretion of her first solid meal. “Babies mostly breastfeed for the first four months, so a baby’s first meal of solid food may be a baby’s first meal at the dinner table,” said David Kesting, director of Capla Kesting Fine Art. “A bronzed cast of baby’s first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family.” Suri’s bronzed baby poop will be exhibited under a display case until the ebay auction ends, explains Kesting, but he admits they’ve commissioned artist Daniel Edwards to produce a limited edition plaster replica.

Yeeeah...better start lining up for that plaster edition replica. What is this world coming to...

Aretha Franklin...Plenty of Woman to Go Around

HOLY SHIT. Where do we begin? This is just plain inappropriate. Is the real issue the fact that she can't see past those puppies? What color are her shoes? Does she know? How about her nipples? They must be pretty far down the ol' boobies if we aren't seeing them in this photo. Are they tucked under her breasts? Hmmmm. Her dress is tucked at least 3 inches under the massive cleav' we got goin' on.

Ok, so moving along. Is that a rash? Boobie blemishes? Stretch marks? What? We are just lost on this one. And what are those spaghetti straps made of? Twisted copper wire? They look like they are attempting to hold up a bridge. Are they drawing blood from her shoulders? How heavy are those things? If they get hungry, do they eat her pearls?

I See Drunk People...After I Smoke Some Pot...

That darling lil boy from the Sixth Sense isn't so cute anymore. Chicklet teeth, otherwise known as Haley Joel Osment, strikes a pose for the cops in this smiley mugshot on the right. It sort of resembles a crappy high school year book photo. Yick. Long story short...alcohol + car + possession of marijuana + cops = mugshot. Sweet.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Pee Diddy

Seriously? Is this what television is coming to? We are resorting to watching Sean Puffy Diddy PDiddy Puffy Puff Daddy...WHATEVER you want to call him, take a piddle? It's amazing that this man can do ANYTHING (including taking a literal piss) and he'll still make money. Hey, don't lie, if you could do it you would too.

Jessica Simpson + John Mayer XOXO

The latest hot couple in town? Jessica Simpson and John Mayer seem to be getting cute and cozy! Perhaps Jess & John will get along a little better than she and Nick did considering Mayer is a little more laid back. After all, one has to have a good sense of humor and be pretty relaxed to deal with Jess' 'tard moments (real or fake). We think they're pretty darn cute together. John seems to be the polar opposite of Nick. We're rooting for you Jess! Oh and John, this chick is totally hot so don't screw this up. We think you're cute but brush your hair!
Thanks for visiting!