Britney Spears is a dumbass. You idiot! You married this Vanilla Ice wanna-be ONCE already and regretted it...why would you do it again?
Britney and Kevin plan to renew their vows after the birth of their second, future fuck up in October. She claims that she wants to prove to the world that she is happy in her marriage. Honey, we aren't stupid. We see Kevin out "pimpin hoes" and you slowly spiraling downward into a pit of cheetos, clairol hair dye kits, and Candies flip flops.
Last, but certainly not least, K-Fed is getting his grimey little paws on the black card from American Express. You know, the one with no limit on it? Oh yeah Brit, sheer genius on that one. She supposedly is providing Kevin with the famous card as a "romantic gesture" insinuating her trust in him. Yeah, we'll see how that works out when Kevin is at Scores in NYC swiping his black card down stripper ass cracks.