Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Perfect Timing, Brooke!

This could not have been better timed. Just as the word vomit spewed from our mouths yesterday regarding Brooke Hogan's joke of a FHM spread...we find this little gem of a photo. Oh christ, Brooke. Could you have possibly screwed this one up anymore? She looks like a Miami dwelling, retired, slutty grandma ready for a kickin' game of shuffleboard. We also love the whitetrash hairdo with headband, the fabulous figure skating skirt, velours-be-killin' em bag and nike sneaks. Clearly, Hogans do NOT know best. Yeeeeesh.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Where's Brooke Hogan?

Let's play the "Find Brooke Hogan in FHM Magazine" game. Is FHM really serious? Could they have possibly airbrushed her even a LITTLE more? This chick looks absofuckinglutely nothing like this. Not only did they highlight and shadow the living shit out of her but they actually thinned and elongated her face ta boot! Did they honestly think they would get away with this cartoon character pic? Check out additional examples of Brooke Hogan photo-chop crimes here. Yeesh, pathetic. We hope all those FHM boys have fun jerkin' their gerkins to these airbrushed spank bank shots.


Yikes! Olsen Twin Possessed by the Devil?

WTF? Wait, which twin is this? Oh, the ugly one? Now, that isn't a very definitive answer, is it? Sorry Mary-Kate, not only is this an utterly heinous outfit that warrants a swift kick in your skinny ass, but you look possessed by the dark king himself. Lucifer, is that you? Listen up, crazy Olsen twin! We are going to go ahead and let everyone think that all of these particular style decisions were made while not in a sound state of mind.

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