Friday, September 29, 2006

Sources Say Kate's Too Thin --- GEE YA THINK?

---When Kate Bosworth strolled into designer Marc Jacobs' Sept. 11 show during NYC Fashion Week, it was clear to even the flab-phobic couture insiders that the Superman Returns star looked dangerously skinny! "I was astonished by the ribs protruding from her dress. She wore designer clothing, but it'd be impossible for her to cover up her skinniness," an eyewitness says of the 5'7" Kate, 23, whose estimated weight is just 115 pounds. "She is beyond pin-thin!"---

Good thing there are such fantastic sources of wisdom out there to proclaim that Kate Bosworth has a weight problem. WOW you friggin' brainiacs, ya think? She looks like a god damn bobble head figurine. Even high fashion clothing designers can't create clothing small enough for Kate. Maybe she should start ordering her wardrobe from the American Girl Collection. They may still be a little loose, Kate. Don't worry, you can have them taken in.

They Don't Call Him Screech for Nothin'


Screech gets the ladies.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Barb's Boobies Say Heeeelllooooo Daaahling!

How often do you get to see a hollywood icon? Now, how often do you get to see three of them at the same time? This may be something you want to ask yourself when you view this photo of Barbara Streisand and her two big babushkas. Oye! That's a pair!

Now, what you haven't heard is Mel Gibson has retracted past accusations and is currently blaming Barbara's giant pancake breasts for all the wars in the world.


This Guy Has Better Legs than Beyonce.

Dear Jess: It's Bad, Real Bad.

Quite possibly the least flattering picture of Jess we have seen...EVER. We still love you, but you look like shit. No really, shitty shit. On a brighter note, it seems the collagen in your lips has subsided and possibly moved north into the bridge of your nose. We used to like that cute little bump because it made you look like a natural beauty...we take that back. It looks like you were recently slugged in the face. Possibly by a filipino beauty whose name rhymes with Blahnessa?



Oh Fergie. You bitch and moan about us bloggers talking about you and then you go and do something like this. What is WRONG with you, woman? That is just plain lazy. Unless your pits grow at a faster rate than the rest of ours...this was at least 3 maybe even 5 days of armpit neglect. How careless can you be? This is just gross. Seriously, you gotta be absofucking kidding right now. It is truly amazing to us that you spend ALL that money fixing your cheeks, nose, brows, teeth, etc. and then you go and let your pit hair crawl out from under arm? YUCK.

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